The campaign

Who are we ?

Frontexit brings together 19 associations, researchers and individuals from civil society in the North and South of the Mediterranean (Belgium, Cameroon, France, Italy, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, International organizations, European and Euro-African networks). The collective is coordinated by Migreurop and EuroMed Rights.

What are we asking for ?

Frontexit’s objective is two-fold: to inform a broad public about the drift in Frontex‘s operations in terms of Human Rights, and to expose these abuses to the political representatives directly involved.

  • More concretely, through our actions of investigation, litigation, sensitization and political inquiry, we ask for:
  • Transparency on the mandates, responsibilities and actions of Frontex;
  • The suspension of agency activities identified as contrary to Human Rights;

The annulment of the regulation creating Frontex, if it is shown that the mandate of the agency is incompatible with respect for fundamental rights.

Join us !


Acknowledgment: This project was initiated by the Migreurop network with the support of the European Program for Integration and Migration (EPIM), a joint initiative of the European Foundation Network. The sole responsibility for the content of the campaign rests with the authors and this content may not reflect the positions of NEF, EPIM and partner foundations.




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